Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lime Distilled Essential Oil (Aust)

Lime Distilled Essential Oil (100% Pure)

Product Description:
Botanical name: Citrus aurantifolia
Common name: Lime
Origin: Australia
Colour: Pale yellow
Aromatic scent: Fresh, sharp and fruity citrus aroma
Extraction: Steam distilled
Plant part: Fruit peel

Common uses:
1. Lime essential oil has a crisp, refreshing citrus scent that has been used for its uplifting and revitalising properties.
2. It can also act as an astringent on the skin where it is reputed to help clear oily skin.

1. Lime essential oil is phototoxic and should avoid direct sunlight after application.
2. Avoid during pregnancy.

Important note:
The information provided here is for educational purposes only.

S$14.85 for 6ml (code: LDEO6)
S$23.60 for 17ml (code: LDEO17)

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