Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lemon Cold-Pressed Essential Oil (Aust)

Lemon Cold-Pressed Essential Oil (100% Pure)

Product Description:
Botanical name: Citrus limonum
Common name: Lemon
Origin: Australia
Colour: Light yellow
Aromatic scent: Similar to fresh lemon rinds except richer and more concentrated
Extraction: Cold pressed
Plant part: Fruit peel

Common uses:
1. In skin care, Lemon essential oil has been known to have astringent properties which can counter act overproduction of sebum.

1. Non-toxic but may cause skin irritation in some.
2. Lemon is also phototoxic and should be avoided prior to exposure to direct sunlight.
3. Avoid during pregnancy.

Important note:
The information provided here is for educational purposes only.

S$17.90 for 6ml (code: LCPEO6)
S$27.30 for 17ml (code: LCPEO17)

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